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Starting School in September 2024?

If your child lives in West Northamptonshire, from 8 September 2023, you can make an application for a:

  • primary school place for September 2024 if your child has their 4th birthday between 1 September 2023 and 31 August 2024
  • junior school place for September 2024 if your child has their 7th birthday between 1 September 2023 and 31 August 2024
  • middle school place (year 5) in another county for September 2024

If your child is already at primary school and wishes to move to a different school, you will need to make an in-year application instead.

The opening date for applications will be 8 September 2023 and the closing date for applications will be 15 January 2024.

The quickest way to make an application is online


Applying for a school place outside the normal entry times

If your child is already at primary school and wishes to move to a different school, you will need to make an in-year application instead.

Any applications to move schools outside of the school's normal entry year will be processed as in-year applications.

Please note that admissions do not allocate an in-year school place more than a month in advance of the date the place is required. Therefore, applications from children wanting a year 3 or 5 place at a primary school (rather than a junior or middle school) will be considered as in-year applications and will not be processed until the summer term. Parents will be informed in writing if a place is available in their preferred primary school.

Special educational needs

If your child has an Education, Health and Care (EHC) Plan, there are different procedures for obtaining a school place. Find out more about the application process for children with special educational needs.

Applications for school places must be completed online on the West Northamptonshire council website here

Stepping Stones Pre-School

We have an in-house Pre-School called Stepping Stones. Places are available for 3- 4 year olds and a limited number of 2 year olds. To apply for a place please email or pop in to school. A prospectus and application forms are here

Moving to the Area?

If you are moving to the area and would like a place in our school please give us a ring to arrange a visit - we do have places available in some year groups. Applications need to be made online via the West Northamptonshire council website here

Ukrainian children - applying for a school place

See school admissions information and guidance for Ukrainian sponsors and families.


Please click here for more infomration on how to make an appeal.

School appeal timelines

​Action ​Deadline

​Appeals need to be submitted:​

Primary school: no later than 5pm on 15 May 2024

Secondary school: no later than 5pm on 15 April 2024

In-year transfers

Within 30 school days from the date when refused a place.

​Parents' additional evidence must be submitted:​

Within 10 school days of submitting their appeal by email to:

or by post to:

Appeals Team, Democratic Services,
West Northamptonshire Council,
One Angel Square, Angel Street,

​Hearings take place

​Primary school: Every effort will be made to convene on-time appeals within 40 school days from the closing date for lodging appeals, however, there may be delays due to limitations of video conferencing facilities. Appeals will be scheduled at the earliest possible date.

Secondary school: Every effort will be made to convene on time appeals within 40 school days from the closing date for lodging appeals, however, there may be delays due to limitations of video conferencing facilities. Appeals will be scheduled at the earliest possible date.

In-year transfers: appeals lodged outside the normal admission round will be convened within 28 days, where possible, following receipt of your appeal form, or at the earliest possible date.

Sixth form: appeals will be heard within 28 days following the confirmation of examination results, where applicable, or otherwise within 40 school days from the date of lodging an appeal where possible.

Late appeals: Late co-ordinated appeals will be heard alongside on-time appeals wherever possible. Every effort will be made to hear late appeals before the end of the school year, but if this is not possible, they will be convened at the earliest possible time in the new school year. Appeals are not usually convened during school holidays due to the unavailability of school representatives.

​Parents will receive written notification of appeal date at least 14 days before the date of appeal. (You may waive your right to this notice period if it will help to speed up your appeal, but a quicker appeal cannot be guaranteed.) Appeals for the same school and year group must be heard together and by the same panel.

​The clerk (or the person organising the appeal) sends appeal papers to parents, the panel and the school

​7 clear days before the appeal hearing.

No further documents will be posted after this date.

​Appeal hearing decision

​Decisions will be made after all appeals have been heard for the particular school.

Decision letters will be sent at the earliest possible time and where possible, within 7 days following decisions. In the case of multiple appeals or in busy times, please allow up to 14 days for decision letters to be sent.

Admissions Criteria

Weedon Bec Primary School follows Northamptonshire County Guidance for admissions for rural village primary schools:

Our published admissions number is 30. Places will be allocated to pupils who have an Education, Health and Care (EHC) Plan that names the school as appropriate provision. When there are more applications for places than there are places available, priority will be given in the following order:

  1. Looked after and all previously looked after children
  2. Pupils who live in the linked area (Weedon, Stowe IX Churches, Upper Stowe)
  3. Pupils with an older brother or sister continuing at the school at the time of admission of the younger child
  4. Other pupils


If the admission number is exceeded within criterion (2) priority will be given to those who live furthest from the nearest alternative school. If the admission number is exceeded within any other criterion priority will be given to those who live closest to the school.

Please contact the school office to find out about open days or to visits to the school.

For more information on admissions and to apply, please click the link below:

Our full admissions policy is on our policies page