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The school uniform consists of:


  • Royal blue school sweatshirt/cardigan
  • White polo shirt/blouse
  • Plain grey or black trousers, skirt or pinafore dress.
  • During summer months, grey or black shorts and pale blue and white checked/striped dresses may be worn.
  • Footwear – sensible, plain and black.
  • P.E. kit – House colour T-shirt, black shorts, black plimsolls or trainers.


  • During the colder months, black jogging bottoms and an additional grey hooded sweatshirt (available from giltedged) may be worn for outdoor PE.
  • Whilst logo items are available, they are not mandatory.
  • Second hand uniform may be obtained by contacting the school office or Mrs Fawcett, our family support worker. 01327 340547

Please ensure that your child’s uniform is labelled so that lost clothes may be returned.

Items of uniform and bookbags with our school logo and PE kit items are be available to order on-line at:

Gilt Edged clothing 

Tailor made

My Clothing

Water bottles can be purchased from the office for £1 (replacement lids 20p)