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Vision and Values

Our vision:

Wonder Belief Passion Success

At Weedon Bec we firmly believe that life in our primary school should be full of awe and wonder. Our high quality teaching and learning creates a “buzz” amongst the staff and children and it is our aim to make each day a memorable one for the children. We pride ourselves on ensuring that our children experience learning beyond the classroom. We maximise opportunities to learn outside both within our school grounds and the wider community. The children experience residential trips in Year 4 and 6 and all classes use specific venues to enhance the children’s knowledge and understanding in our broad and balanced curriculum.

We ensure that every child believes they can and will succeed. Our nurturing environment ensures every child has the confidence to take risks and challenge themselves and feel proud of their achievements. We value academic excellence but place an emphasis on the whole child. We will discover what your children are passionate about and nurture that interest and talent whether that be in cooking, art, sports, drama or music. We will ensure that every child fulfils their potential at every stage of school giving them a strong foundation for secondary school and beyond.

Miss J Hatt
Head of School

Our School Ethos and Values

At Weedon Bec Primary School it is our aim to raise standards by promoting a school ethos which is underpinned by core values. These values support the development of the whole child as a reflective learner within a calm, caring, happy and purposeful environment. At Weedon Bec, we believe in embedding our key school values within all aspects of school life. These core values are upheld, celebrated and promoted by all stakeholders. Our values enable children to take ownership for their learning, take risks and create children who are well-rounded, happy and safe.

Our vision is to create the best learning opportunities for our children and we aspire to make every day a memorable experience for all. We aim to inspire a passion for learning, enabling every child to realise their potential and create children who are inquisitive, resilient and knowledgeable. We value our relationships with parents, grandparents and the wider community. By working together, we will ensure our children are socially adept, embrace diversity and contribute effectively to their world. Children will leave our school ready to face the future, prepared for the technological, financial, social and multicultural world in which we live.

Our values:
  • Respect
  • Honesty
  • Aspiration
  • Resilience
  • Compassion
  • Independence

Each half term, we focus on one specific value in order to fully understand what that value means and enable our children to demonstrate this value throughout their school day. Those who demonstrate this value consistently and continuously will receive a values certificate from their teacher within our achievement assembly, to show what excellent role models they are.