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At Weedon Bec Primary School, we believe that reading is the foundation to education and life-long learning. The skills children learn in reading will enable them to effectively understand and access the rest of the school curriculum. We strive for all children to develop a passion for reading and to be curious to learn more from the literature they read. We want children to have the confidence to explore texts outside of their comfort zone to open doors to new experiences, ideas and vocabulary. By the time children leave Weedon Bec, they will be competent, independent readers who can recommend books to their peers and have a thirst for reading a range of genres. including poetry. They will be able to participate in discussions about books they have read, including evaluating an author’s use of language and the impact this can have on the reader. 

We have recognised reading as an area for development and therefore as a school, we are determined to ensure every learner is supported on their reading journey. This journey will enable all children to develop resilience and aspirations in learning to read, regardless of their background, ability or needs. We have clear expectations of pupils’ phonics progression term by term for the EYFS and KS1 and our school’s rigorous approach to phonics aligns with these expectations. Using the Read Write Inc scheme, we intend to rapidly close identified gaps in children’s reading skills identified by previous data. Within Key Stage 2, the VIPERS approach to reading comprehension is used alongside Fresh Start, to enable all children to be supported and challenged to reach their full reading potential. 

Within our lessons we aim for teaching to engage and inspire the children within a safe and nurturing environment that promotes the desire and belief of success. Our lessons will model and scaffold the skill they are developing and provide opportunities for them to practise and apply these skills. Our ambitious aspirations for learning across the school are coherently planned and sequenced in our Reading Progression map, highlighting the skill that children will learn each term. A varied selection of age appropriate texts have been listed to ensure teachers are able to choose from a breadth of genres that support the interest of the class. 

Learning about Roald Dahl

Learning to read through phonics

Designing a book cover

Read, Write Inc.





We ensure children are exposed to a variety for genres and authors across KS2.